Mind, Body and Spirit
Friday March 27, 2020 11:00am
Presenter:Ali Norell
Sala Marbella in the Hapimag Resort, Camilo Jose Cela, Marbella

The speaker, a spiritual medium, will give an account of how losing her young daughter challenged her belief system in the strongest way possible. She will discuss the possibility that one chooses one’s path in life – even with heartbreak and tragedy – and speak about the communication she received from her daughter in Spirit that helped to process her grief and uncover her life purpose. 


Ali Norell was born in Maidstone, Kent, in the South East of England. She holds a degree in English and European Literature from the University of Warwick and speaks Italian, French and German. 

Although she has loved to write since childhood, Ali came relatively late to authorship and her debut book “The Truth Inside” is a memoir written following the death of her youngest daughter, Romy, in July 2014.  Through this book, Ali hopes to share with others her belief that our loved ones are never ‘lost’, but are right beside us, helping us and willing us on in our purpose. 

She lives in Brighton with her husband, three children and two cats.

Too late to make a reservation
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